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High above Munich and yet right in the middle!

Stay at Prinz
Thank you for choosing Hotel Prinz! We're excited to offer you an exclusive 20% discount when you book directly through our website. Use the code STAYATPRINZ to save on your stay and enjoy:
- Spacious family rooms for 3-6 people
- Comfortable double and single rooms
- Free breakfast for kids under 12
- Complimentary baby beds
We can't wait to welcome you and your family for an unforgettable stay!

Deutsches Museum
The Deutsches Museum (German Museum, officially Deutsches Museum von Meisterwerken der Naturwissenschaft und Technik (English: German Museum of Masterpieces of Science and Technology)) in Munich, Germany, is the world's largest museum of science and technology, with about 28,000 exhibited objects from 50 fields of science and technology.[1] It receives about 1.5 million visitors per year.

St. Peter's Church
St Peter's Church is a Roman Catholic parish church in the inner city of Munich, southern Germany. Its 91-metre tower is commonly known as "Alter Peter"—Old Pete—and is emblematic of Munich. St Peter's is the oldest recorded parish church in Munich and presumably the originating point for the whole city.
The Viktualienmarkt is a daily food market and a square in the center of Munich, Germany. It has been held daily since 1807, except on Sundays and public holidays. The Viktualienmarkt developed from an original farmers' market to a popular market for gourmets.
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Welcome to the most famous tavern in the world!
The Bavarian inn culture is at home here - the origin of tradition, cosiness and hospitality. The hospitality lived here attracts regular guests from Munich as well as guests from all nations every day.

Paulaner am Nockherberg
Bavarian restaurant and event location with elegant dining room, rustic tavern and large beer garden.

Müller'sches Volksbad (Hallenbad)
The Müllersche Volksbad is an indoor pool with a sauna. When it was completed in 1901, the neo-baroque Art Nouveau building was the largest and most expensive swimming pool in the world and the city's first public indoor pool.
With its architecture and interior design, the bath is one of the most beautiful bathhouses in Europe.

Werksviertel München
With the Werksviertel-Mitte, an extraordinary city district is being created at Munich Ostbahnhof - with plenty of room for creativity, music, art, social commitment, sports, entertainment, eating, drinking and dancing; and with even more space for new ideas and sustainable future projects.
Das Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum ['falɛntiːn]- ist ein städtisches Museum in München, das dem Komiker Karl Valentin, seiner Partnerin Liesl Karlstadt und dem Münchner Volkssängertum gewidmet ist.

One of Munich's top attractions: The Eisbachwelle is considered the world's most constant, largest and best river wave in the middle of a big city.
For the Eisbach you should already have some years of experience on a surfboard. The Eisbach wave is relatively difficult and dangerous to surf because the water is shallow and the current is strong.

Englischer Garten
Der Englische Garten gehört weltweit zu den größten innerstädtischen Parks und ist sogar größer als der Central Park in New York:
- Lage und Größe: Er misst 375 Hektar und zieht sich vom Altstadtring bis in den Münchner Nordosten am Westufer der Isar entlang.
- Events: Kocherlball und Japanfest im Juli, Christkindlmarkt am Chinesischen Turm im Dezember.

Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn
Entdecke im Münchner Tierpark die beeindruckende Vielfalt von mehr als 500 Tierarten aus allen fünf Kontinenten. In Hellabrunn liegen nur wenige Meter zwischen der afrikanischen Savanne und der kalten Eiswüste der Polarwelt. Erfahre, warum Natur- und Artenschutz wichtig sind, wie wir die Lebensräume unserer Tiere schützen können und erlebe an 365 Tagen im Jahr die Vielfalt des Lebens.

Schloss Nymphenburg
Schloss Nymphenburg nimmt euch mit in die Welt der Könige und Prinzessinnen. Es war nicht nur die Sommerresidenz, sondern auch ein Lieblingsschloss der Wittelsbacher.
Was ist das Besondere? Ein riesiger Palast, der als Hauptwerk des höfischen Münchens gilt. Berühmt sind die Schönheitengalerie, u.a. mit der Geliebten des Königs, Lola Montez, das Geburtszimmer von Ludwig II. und die weltbekannte Nymphenburger Porzellansammlung. Auf keinen Fall auslassen sollte man die idyllische Parkanlage mit Eichhörnchen, Rehen und Käuzen, mit Kanälen, Brücken, Seen, verwunschenen Bächen und viel Natur. Nymphenburg bietet beides – nur 20 Minuten vom Münchner Stadtzentrum entfernt.
Klassisches bayerisches Restaurant im Neorenaissance-Gebäude mit großem Biergarten & Hofbräuhaus-Bier.

Das Nationaltheater am Max-Joseph-Platz in München ist der Spielort der Bayerischen Staatsoper, des Bayerischen Staatsorchesters und des Bayerischen Staatsballetts.
It is located near the German Museum and connects the districts of Isarvorstadt and Au.

Das Maximilianeum im Münchner Stadtteil Haidhausen ist seit 1949 Sitz des Bayerischen Landtags, Wohnstätte hochbegabter Studenten und zudem ein schöner Aussichtspunkt über die Stadt.

Olympiapark München
Der Olympiapark München bietet alles auf einmal: Entspannung, Natur, Events und Konzerte, dazu Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Olympiastadion, die Olympiahalle und den Olympiaturm.

Since the 200th anniversary of the Oktoberfest, not only the Oktoberfest (known in Munich vernacular as Wiesn) with well over six million visitors from all over the world has been taking place on the Theresienwiese, but also the Oide Wiesn at the same time, if not the traditional sister festival, the Bavarian Central Agricultural Festival (ZLF) takes place. The Munich Spring Festival, the Tollwood Festival in winter, as well as circus tours and flea markets are also held there.

Residenz München
Die Münchner Residenz ist das größte Innenstadtschloss Deutschlands. Neben Wohnpalast und Herrscherräumen gibt es Kronen, Juwelen und Kunstobjekte zu bestaunen.

Auer Dult
Neighbourly, cosy, traditional: that's the Auer Dult! From 29 April to 7 May 2023, you can once again browse, enjoy delicacies and take a spin on the carousel at the Maidult.

Alte Pinakothek
The Alte Pinakothek is an art museum opened in 1836 in Munich's Kunstareal. It exhibits, among other things, paintings by painters from the Middle Ages to the mid-18th century and is one of the most important painting galleries in the world.
Museum Villa Stuck
In der Villa Stuck befindet sich das Museum Villa Stuck im Münchner Stadtteil Haidhausen. Hier können unter anderem die historischen Atelier- und Wohnräume des Münchner Künstlers Franz von Stuck mit dessen Gemälden und Skulpturen besichtigt werden.
Archiconvent der Templer
The Archiconvent of the Templars in Munich, often simply called the Templer-Kloster for short, is a monastery of the Trinitarion of the Oriental Orthodox Catholic and Knights of the Cross Choir and Hospitaller Order of the Templars e.V., which lives according to the rule of the historical Templar Order

Allianz Arena
The Allianz Arena is a football stadium in the north of Munich and offers 75,021 seats for national matches, composed of 57,343 seats, 13,794 standing places, 1,374 box seats, 2,152 business seats and 966 sponsor seats.

Auer Mühlbach
The Auer Mühlbach is an approximately seven kilometer long, fed from Isar water and today mostly canalized Munich city stream, in the south of the city of Munich.
Städtisches Stadion an der Grünwalder Straße
The municipal stadium on Grünwalder Straße (short: Grünwalder Stadion or just Grünwalder, popularly still Sechzgerstadion or just Sechzger, formerly also Sechzgerplatz; according to the location also Giesings Höhen) is the third largest football stadium in Munich. It is located in the district of Untergiesing-Harlaching, right on the middle ring. It was built in 1911 by the then TV 1860 Munich and expanded in the 1920s. In 1937, 1860 Munich had to sell the stadium to the city, which later had it rebuilt after it was destroyed in World War II.

Located in the Obergiesing district of the city of Munich, the Ostfriedhof was built in 1821 and is still in use today. The complex covers a total area of more than 30 hectares with around 34,700 grave sites, and the Munich municipal crematorium is also located on the eastern cemetery.
NS-Dokumentationszentrum München
Das NS-Dokumentationszentrum München ist der zentrale Ort zur Auseinandersetzung mit der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit der Stadt.